Mentorship Track
The Mentorship Track of MBC Leadership Development is required for all potential deacons or elders. Before entering a potential elder or deacon candidacy, individuals must meet the following requirements:
Newly nominated deacons and elder candidates will participate in a mentorship process, working alongside an existing elder or deacon. During this time, the Church Leadership may assign training courses to new deacons or elder candidates based on their needed areas of development. At the end of this season of mentorship and the completion of any required training, the Church Leadership will recommend elder candidates to the church body for review, who will then have 2 weeks to express any feedback about individual candidates to the current elders of MBC. Candidates will then be affirmed or denied based on biblical qualifications for leadership, the wise discretion of the church’s current leadership, the input of the congregation, and sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.
- Testimony of salvation and evidence of spiritual growth
- Church membership
- Active involvement in the church
- Biblical qualifications for leadership
- Demonstrated desire to serve the church in a leadership role
- Recognition of gifting by the church body
Newly nominated deacons and elder candidates will participate in a mentorship process, working alongside an existing elder or deacon. During this time, the Church Leadership may assign training courses to new deacons or elder candidates based on their needed areas of development. At the end of this season of mentorship and the completion of any required training, the Church Leadership will recommend elder candidates to the church body for review, who will then have 2 weeks to express any feedback about individual candidates to the current elders of MBC. Candidates will then be affirmed or denied based on biblical qualifications for leadership, the wise discretion of the church’s current leadership, the input of the congregation, and sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.
Mentorship by current elder or deacon
- For new deacons, this will include leading and doing ministry projects alongside a seasoned deacon.
- For elder candidates, this will include doing discipleship, counseling, or other types of shepherding ministry alongside a current elder; preparing and presenting a sermon or Bible study to the congregation with assistance and feedback from the primary teaching elder; and walking through MBC’s Statement of Faith with a current elder to ensure doctrinal understanding and agreement. Elder candidates may also participate in Church Leadership meetings to become familiar with administrative responsibilities.
Christian Leadership Readings
Understanding Church Leadership, Mark Dever (Elder and Deacon Candidates)
Dangerous Calling, Paul Tripp (Elders Only)
Dangerous Calling, Paul Tripp (Elders Only)
Spiritual Life/ Disciplines Training and Reading
The Way of the Heart, Henri Nouwen
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Donald Whitney
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Donald Whitney