Weekly Gatherings
Community Groups are a great opportunity to connect with others each week for friendship, discussion, and prayer. We have Community Group options in town and in Paradise Valley meeting weekly year round. Contact Pastor Kyle Mallard for info.
Each Sunday at church, our kids (nursery to 5th grade) are dismissed after the music from the church service for Sunday School in our Education Building. We use The Gospel Project curriculum to walk kids through the storyline of Scripture. There are also fun regular gatherings for kids and their families throughout the year.
Contact our Next Gen Coordinator Kimberly Reagor for more info. |
We have a weekly gathering for students in 6-12th grades every Wednesday at 6:30pm at the church. Throughout the summer students meet at Sacajawea Park. At these gatherings, Students enjoy dinner, games, and Christ-centered discussion. There are also regular student-focused events and discipleship opportunities throughout the year. Contact Pastor Kyle Mallard for more info.
Monthly Gatherings
All men are invited to join us the second Saturday morning of each month at 8am for breakfast, discussion, and prayer at the church.
Men also gather weekly in discipleship groups on Friday mornings to dig deeper into the Scriptures together and the challenge one another towards Christ-centered living. Contact Pastor Brandon for more info about these groups. |
All ladies are invited to join in on a monthly fellowship and book discussion. Check our church calendar for meeting times and locations.
Our ladies also gather monthly on the third Saturday for each month to fellowship and encourage one another. Contact our Ministry Assistant Jannah Vander Houwen for info. |
Seniors at Mountain Bible gather the last Thursday of each month for a light meal and fellowship. Check our church calendar for meeting times and locations.
Mission Partners
Seth & Mary Carter - Campus Ventures (Powell, Wyoming)
Seth and Mary Carter were discipled as students while at Northwest College and moved back to Powell to join Campus Ventures staff in the fall of 2005. As a family, they and their four children (Truett, Titus, Leander, and September) continue to invest in the spiritual lives of college students. Campus ventures is an interdenominational Christian student organization that began in 1991 at the University of Wyoming. Its purpose is to help students know and love God and to be fully equipped to disciple others so as to impact future generations for Christ. |
Nathan & Michelle Bice - Village Missions (Venengo, Nebraska)
Nathan and Michelle became missionaries with Village Missions in November of 2014 with a passion to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to small communities. Nathan is currently serving as the pastor of a congregation in Venango, Nebraska, a town of 157 people. Village Missions exists to glorify Jesus Christ by developing spiritually vital country churches in rural North America. They fulfill this aim by placing pastors in small town and rural churches that might otherwise have to close, and in doing so, preserve the Gospel presence in over 210 communities across the United States and Canada. Nathan and Michele have the joy of raising five children; Jennifer, Lane, Jay, Hannah, and Lizzy. |
Robert Newhall - CTEN (Mexico)
Robert Newhall serves as a missionary to Mexico through the CTEN missions organization. Robert has a passion to obey Jesus’ Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. He has grown to enjoy ministry to children as he himself became a born again believer in a Vacation Bible School as a child. After years of schooling and experience in both adult and children’s ministry, the Lord made it possible for him to be a missionary, which has been a lifelong desire for Robert. He first served as a general helper in church planting, outreach, building projects and ministry to children. It did not take long for him to see a great need for resources, training and encouragement in ministry to children, especially in rural churches and ministries. He decided to get more training in this area, which led to his involvement with the Kidology coaching program. Now as a graduate student he is working on two projects that focus on fulfilling children’s ministry needs both locally and abroad. |
Oikos School for Church Planting (Togo, Africa)
The mission of Oikos School is to equip Christian leaders in Togo, Africa with the skills and knowledge necessary to make disciples of Jesus who multiply and to plant healthy churches. The school’s focus is on training the laborers whom God has sent into his harvest, specifically targeting those who lack access or means to receive a quality training in church planting. |
Missionary to Central Asia
This missionary has lived overseas for around 10 years serving in central Asia in a country with very few Christians. For security purposes we are leaving his name anonymous, but you can reach out to us for more information. He is heavily involved in the ministry of his local church in a place that is very lost and in need of the gospel. He also runs a radio ministry where they proclaim the gospel in the local language, connect truth seekers with local churches, and bless believers with encouraging and informative content. |